Avoiding Unnecessary Paints
Paul LewisPaul Lewis takes a quick look at what can trigger painting in the browser, and how you can prevent unnecessary paints from taking place.
as every now and then, I want to thank you for all your support and trust. I appreciate your every comment, tweet and email. This issue, just as any other issue, wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you, to all 8000 of you.
Paul Lewis takes a quick look at what can trigger painting in the browser, and how you can prevent unnecessary paints from taking place.
A really impressive showcase collection of various page transition effects created with CSS animations.
Ian Yates shows how is working with pixels units constraining you when dealing with responsive layouts and explains why you should use ems instead of pixels altogether.
Zoltan Hawryluk creates image galleries that sit behind a clipped image, passing the mouse click events, and work across browsers.
Did you know that you can style the empty containers using :empty selector? If not, you’ll find this article most interesting.
A couple of nice tricks by Thoriq Firdaus for optimizing Google Web Fonts.
Sam Piggott shows how to use Flexbox as part of a responsive design.
Last week you had the chance to see a really impressive CSS tunnel. This week you can gaze at the equally impressive CSS hyperspace.
Happy coding
Zoran Jambor