Building Dark Mode on Stack Overflow

Aaron Shekey talks about the work that went into building the dark mode of Stack Overflow.
Aaron Shekey talks about the work that went into building the dark mode of Stack Overflow.
Rachel Andrew looks at the various things coming into browsers right now which change the way we see web design.
Normally, we release An Event Apart session videos gradually throughout the year, but these aren’t normal times. So as of now, we’ve published the 12 remaining sessions from An Event Apart DC 2019. So pop that popcorn, sink into your chair, and enjoy these 17 free videos.
Val Head created an eBook that will give you the foundation you need to shape and create effective motion guidelines for your design system.
James Quick shows how to convert a React site using regular CSS to one that uses Styled Components.
Mandy Michael shares an approach to creating reusable breakpoints in React.
Ahmad Shadeed talks about the interesting things he noticed in the new Facebook design.
Carie Fisher explores what factors we should consider when designing and developing accessible SVGs.
Join Hired and let 10,000+ companies apply to you, with salary details up front.
A JavaScript micro-library for responsive CSS motion paths.
A visual tool that provides suggestions for CSS classes using BEM naming convention.
Mary Lou created a beautiful, simple, CSS-only marquee effect for a menu.
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Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor