Creating 3D worlds with HTML and CSS
Keith Clark
Keith Clark explains in detail how he created a fully-functional CSS 3d world. Most impressive.
Dear friends,
thank you all very much for kind words regarding the new design. Thank you all very much for bug reports (most of the bugs should be squashed by now). And thank you all very much for spreading the love. I really appreciate it.
Keith Clark explains in detail how he created a fully-functional CSS 3d world. Most impressive.
BEM – meaning block, element, modifier – is a front-end naming methodology. Harry Roberts does a great job explaining it in this article.
Johnny Simpson gives a nice overview of things CSS (might) bring to the table this year.
Chris Coyier once again answers a few questions that seem to be troubling a lot of developers.
Marko Dugonjić shows how to handle flexible widths and paddings on a child element, if the container itself is fluid.
It appears that some browsers include the vertical scrollbar size into the page width and others don’t. Roger Johansson explains why this could be a problem and how to avoid it.
I thought that the way forward (especially in email design) should be adding support for new properties, not dropping support for existing ones. Unfortunately, I was wrong.
You all already know that I’m a strong advocate of CSS Preprocessors and a big fan of Sass. If you still haven’t given Sass a chance now is the right time to do it. Pragmatic Guide to Sass will help you get started with it.
Although this book was published more than a year ago and it doesn’t cover some of the things that were introduced into Sass recently, it does an excellent job of explaining basic Sass concepts. It’ll teach you everything you need to know to be able to use Sass confidently in your day-to-day projects and it’ll make it easier for you to dig deeper into more advanced Sass techniques.
The book also does a good job of explaining Compass (which is one of the strongest sides of Sass if you ask me) and also gives a nice overview of HAML (HTML abstraction markup language).
All in all Pragmatic Guide to Sass is an excellent book that doesn’t go into great depths of Sass, but rather focuses on basics (which can be both good and bad, depending on your current knowledge).
Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor