Learning from Lego: A Step Forward in Modular Web Design

Samantha Zhang explains how can we make the pesky nesting issues a thing of the past if we envision web content blocks as the tops of Lego bricks.
Samantha Zhang explains how can we make the pesky nesting issues a thing of the past if we envision web content blocks as the tops of Lego bricks.
Tyler Gaw shows how to easily make the switch from Sass, to a new PostCSS/cssnext styling setup.
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Vitaly Friedman prepared a performance checklist with all the obscure issues you might need to consider in 2017 to ensure that your response times are fast and your website smooth.
Manuel Matuzovic shares some tips on how to improve your markup and provide users with more and betters ways to navigate and interact with your site.
Bram Stein shows some principles you can apply to take web fonts off the critical path and turn them into a true progressive enhancement.
Philip Walton explains that polyfilling CSS is particularly hard because of all the work we as developers need to do to work around limitations of styling and layout on the web today.
Stig Morten Myre explains how to use CSS shapes with a VML fallback to create a bulletproof play button in email that avoids image blocking of the email clients.
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Accesslint.js is a tool that will help you keep accessibility errors in check.
Zooming is customizable, easy to integrate image zoom library built with pure JavaScript.
Meri Williams created an excellent guide to personal development & self-improvement in 2017.
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Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor