Things to Watch Out for When Working with CSS 3D

Ana Tudor on the challenges she encountered while working with CSS 3D transforms.
Ana Tudor on the challenges she encountered while working with CSS 3D transforms.
Ilya Grigorik explains how optimized fonts, combined with a judicious strategy for how they are loaded and applied on the page, can help reduce the total page size and improve page rendering times.
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Carl Schoof points out that the will-change property can have some unintended consequences for animators, as Chrome 53 proves.
Matt Hinchliffe explains why Grid layout has the chance to deliver a huge shift in the way we rationalize layout systems for the web and drastically reduce the complexity of the markup and styles currently required.
Dudley Storey shows how to evenly distribute tiled images using background-repeat: round; and background-repeat: space.
Matt Smith shows a design-friendly way to make accessible floating labels.
Joren Van Hee explains how the flex-grow 9999 hack makes a flex item behave like it has two flex grow values. It prevents a flex item in a row from growing, but allows it to grow if it’s wrapped into its own line.
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A simple tool that will let you create and customize beautiful CSS3 gradients.
A JavaScript library that simplifies certain accessibility features, functions, and behaviors.
Keith Clark shows that you don’t need a lot of (if any) HTML elements to create a complex and compelling CSS animation.
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Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor