CSS Specificity Graphs
Orde Saunders
Orde Saunders outlines his experience of putting CSS specificity graphs into practice.
Orde Saunders outlines his experience of putting CSS specificity graphs into practice.
Physics-based animations, as Ralph Thomas explains, let you create rich animations and interactions that feel more natural.
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In this article Jonathan Cutrell talks about CSS best practices, specificity and maintainability, and shows how to properly interpret and make better use of CSS statistics.
Garris Shipon walks you through the BackstopJS, a tool that tests your responsive web UI by visually comparing DOM screenshots at various viewport sizes.
Osvaldas Valutis shows on practical examples how useful CSS currentColor keyword can really be.
Dan Sundy explains how to use Bower and makes a case for doing so, from the perspective of someone who resisted the idea at first.
George Phillips deconstructs a cool content placeholder from the most recent Facebook overhaul.
Dropcap.js is a tool that will help you make beautiful drop caps for the web.
SVG Morpheus is a new open-source JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other.
This short comic by Dave Rupert really hits the spot, doesn’t it?
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Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor