The State Of Animation 2014
Rachel Nabors
Rachel Nabors talks about the State of Animation in 2014 and a new Web Animation API that might unite CSS animation and interactive JavaScript animation.
Rachel Nabors talks about the State of Animation in 2014 and a new Web Animation API that might unite CSS animation and interactive JavaScript animation.
Tobias Cohen shares a process Tuts+ team implemented to keep CSS, HTML and JavaScript tidy and maintainable over continued development and iteration.
Looking to kick off a career in UX Design? Whether you’re experienced or completely new, you’ll want to get your mitts on this fabulous resource. The Get Started in UX eBook is a powerful reference that can boost your UX Design skills to a whole new level.
Harry Roberts explains why you should use @extend only when the rulesets that you are trying to DRY out are inherently and thematically related.
Tim Kadlec explains how and why to break down your performance budget into 4 metrics: milestone timings, SpeedIndex, quantity based metrics, and rule based metrics.
Dudley Storey shows how to easily create CSS-only dropcaps using the ::first-letter pseudo selector.
Mark Rabey gives a couple of nice advices on writing good, efficient and maintainable CSS.
Charlie Owen shares how to migrate your team from CSS to Sass.
How well do you handle specificity in your CSS? Get a quick overview with this tool.
Simple way to collect and look at your website performance metrics quickly, that supports budgeting and adding custom metrics.
Another creative and impressive CSS doodle. This time by the talented Amr Zakaria.
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Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor