The Power of CSS Blend Modes

Scott Vandehey demonstrates what is possible to create using CSS blend modes.
Scott Vandehey demonstrates what is possible to create using CSS blend modes.
Daniel Schwarz explores some legitimate use-cases for disabling user text selection to improve (not hinder) user experiences.
Retool is the fast way for developers to build and share internal tools. Teams at thousands of companies like Amazon, DoorDash, Peloton, and Brex collaborate around custom-built Retool apps to solve internal workflows. Get started for free today.
A new video series I started to complement CSS Weekly newsletter. In the first episode, find out which new features are available in Safari 16, how CSS Specificity works, how often developers refresh the browser when writing CSS, and more.
Learn how to use CSS clip-path and Clip Path editor in Firefox DevTools to create beautiful, fluid section breaks, dividers, and separators.
Miriam Eric Suzanne shares her approach to structuring CSS.
Jeremy Keith outlines the challenges he faced when transitioning to logical properties.
Kilian Valkhof reminds you that you need to let go of the idea that you’re designing a site to fit devices—you’re designing a site to fit its content.
Yuan Chuan shows how to create a dreamy effect using CSS.
Kitty Giraudel explores the idea of detecting the visitor’s primary hand to adjust the position of call-to-actions.
Join us at An Event Apart Denver this coming October 10–12 for fifteen enlightening sessions on new CSS features, design system tooling, accessibility, responsive animation, global design, allying UX with SEO, and more.
CSS Weekly subscribers can save $100 on multi-day passes with promo code AEACSSW22.
A tool to extract web link information: title, description, images, videos, etc. [via OpenGraph].
OkSo is a minimalistic online drawing app.
Mary Lou created an impressive layout animation where the thumbnails of a menu row animate to their position in a content preview grid.
Thanks for reading! If you find the content valuable, please consider supporting the newsletter on Patreon.
Happy coding,
Zoran Jambor